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Celebrating 35 Years of BINUS For A Greater Nusantara
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Proudly Presents

Celebrating 35 Years of BINUS For A Greater Nusantara

Kepada seluruh BINUSIAN,

Salam #GreaterNusantara
Dalam rangka perayaan 35 tahun BINA NUSANTARA, kami mengundang Bapak/ Ibu untuk hadir di acara spektakuler yang bertajuk 35 Years of BINUS For A Greater Nusantara. Acara ini akan dibanjiri berbagai macam hiburan dan pertunjukan yang spektakuler. Acara akan diselenggarakan pada Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016 di BINUS School Serpong.

Bapak/Ibu diperkenankan mengajak keluarga inti (yang terdaftar di Human Capital) untuk menghadiri acara tersebut. Acara akan dimeriahkan dengan berbagai macam hiburan, antara lain:
Penyerahan penghargaan masa bakti Karyawan dan Dosen
Music festival by top Indonesian artists - NIDJI & GAC
Parade 35 Tumpeng
Student & Employee Performance
Food festival
Fun/interactive games (kids & adult)
Magic show
Photo booth
Door prize (Iphone, Sepeda Motor, SAMSUNG Tablet)
Mendapatkan Souvenir Tote Bag

Catatan :

Tersedia transportasi dari beberapa titik area menuju ke lokasi acara (Titik Kampus Anggrek, Kampus JWC, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi-Vida, BINUS Square, Kampus Alam Sutra, BINUS School Simprug. Kampus KALBIS Institute (Khusus Karyawan KALBIS)

Acara ini merupakan kegiatan yang bersifat mandatory (wajib) diikuti seluruh Karyawan. Karyawan yang tidak menghadiri kegiatan ini wajib menginformasikan alasan dan buktinya.

Hormat Kami,



Salam #GreaterNusantara

In celebration of 35 Years of BINA NUSANTARA, we will invite BINUSIAN to attend the spectacular event, named 35 Years of BINUS For A Greater Nusantara. This event will be enlivened by a variety of entertainment and spectacular performances. The event will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2016 in BINUS School Serpong. Don’t Miss it!

You may take core family member that registered in Human Capital to attend Family Gathering. You will be pampered with a variety of entertainment, such as:

Employee & Lecturer awarding session (Long Service Award)
Music festival by top Indonesian artists - NIDJI & GAC
Parade 35 Tumpeng
Student & Employee Performance
Food festival
Fun/interactive games (kids & adult)
Magic show
Photo booth
Door prize (Iphone, Sepeda Motor, SAMSUNG Tablet)
Get Souvenir Tote Bag

Notes :

We also provide transportation from some point of areas to go to the location (Anggrek Campus, JWC Campus, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi-Vida, BINUS Square, Alam Sutra Campus, BINUS School Simprug. KALBIS Institute campus (special for employee of KALBIS Institute).

This Event served as Mandatory event as all employees are oblige to attend. Employee who is not be able to attend the event, must provide appropriate information and adequate proof.

Best Regards,

Corporate Communications
BINA Nusantara

Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah
Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia
Telp. : (+62 - 21) 534 5830 # 2128 / 2170 / 2174
Fax: (+62 21) 530 1668