For the past three decades, the BINUS family is dedicated to serving the people of Indonesia by bringing quality world-class education closer to our homes. To mark our 35th anniversary, we are proud to bring to you the very best of BINUS… simply because we believe, that YOUR child deserves the very best as well.

We are proud to introduce BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi – our latest instalment for quality education and testament to our tenacity and passion for education in Indonesia.

As an educator and fellow parent, I well understand that nothing is worth more than securing a strong and solid foundation for your child. At BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, we believe that a firm yet endearing start in education will help pave the way for a child’s future successes. We believe that a rich and positive school life and experience will develop a child’s fullest potential. That is why at BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, we aspire to be a part of our child’s lifelong journey towards a healthy, happy and meaningful tomorrow.

I look forward to welcoming you and your child into our HOME FOR LEARNING soon.

For more details, please visit BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi Website