BINA NUSANTARA started with a dream and a sense of determination. Founded by Joseph Wibowo Hadipoespito and Theresia Widia Soerjaningsih, this education institution has gone through many stages, and overcome various barriers. It still stands strong and grand despite the competition.
Based on our belief in God, our passion for education, and our view of a bright future, we are committed to developing the nation and to building a global community through education and technology
BINA NUSANTARA commits to continuously learning and developing towards the future, where each step taken is a worthy contribution for tomorrow.
(Competitive Compensation and Benefit, Salary Increment)
(Physical Activity, Mental Health, Nutrition Program, General Health)
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, range from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua, which is made up of thousands of large and small islands, which are connected by the strait and sea. According to data from the Ministry of Interior of the Republic Indonesia in 2010 was as much as 17,504 islands. 7,870 of them have names, while 9,634 do not have a name.